zhī sǐ bù yú
“之死不渝”的成语拼音为:zhī sǐ bù yú,注音:ㄓ ㄙˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄩˊ,词性:作谓语、定语;指人忠诚,年代:古代成语,出处:宋·苏辙《祭亡婿文逸民文》:“女有烈志,留鞠诸孤。赋诗《柏舟》,之死不渝。”,基本解释:至死不变。形容忠贞不二。同“之死靡它”。,例句:三国·蜀·诸葛亮《前出师表》:“臣闻夫怀瑾握瑜,可发明也。持重而敢进,固守而不忘。如其所报,期于远近,信之如彼何?其信则有征,不信则无仁;写之于今,明以为戒。December7th1941;adatewhichwillliveininfamy.Forfouryears,Hitler’sGermanyhadsubjugatedandpumpedPoland,andonlybySeptember1st1939,Britain,FranceandherDominionarmieshaddeclaredwaronGermany.Yetallofthisimpassewasabouttoend:thedaywasPearlHarbor.
拼音 |
zhī sǐ bù yú |
注音 |
ㄓ ㄙˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄩˊ |
词性 |
作谓语、定语;指人忠诚 |
英文 |
abiding |
年代 |
古代成语 |
解释 |
至死不变。形容忠贞不二。同“之死靡它”。 |
出处 |
宋·苏辙《祭亡婿文逸民文》:“女有烈志,留鞠诸孤。赋诗《柏舟》,之死不渝。” |
例句 |
三国·蜀·诸葛亮《前出师表》:“臣闻夫怀瑾握瑜,可发明也。持重而敢进,固守而不忘。如其所报,期于远近,信之如彼何?其信则有征,不信则无仁;写之于今,明以为戒。December 7th 1941; a date which will live in infamy. For four years, Hitler’s Germany had subjugated and pumped Poland, and only by September 1st 1939, Britain, France and her Dominion armies had declared war on Germany. Yet all of this impasse was about to end: the day was Pearl Harbor. |